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My new favorite Git workflow

I've been working on a long-lived feature branch for a project at work for a couple of months now. When the time came to finally merge back into our mainline branch, I had nearly 50 commits on hand - mostly small commits. I'm a big fan of SCM cleanliness and isolation of commits to a single logical change, so I wasn't too keen on simply merging all these commits as-is or doing a big ugly squash.

What I ended doing was what I like to think of as a "patch merge".

Or in git-speak

# On develop
git checkout -b my-feature

# Do some work on feature
git checkout -b integration
git rebase develop
# Fix conflicts, tests, etc

git checkout develop
git merge --squash --no-commit integration

# Create nice logically self-contained commits from the results of merge
git add -p
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